Fun Stuff!

Baloon Confetti Bomb
Stuff you'll need:
Satay stick
Funnel (or a piece of paper rolled up)

Step 1:
Use the scissors to cut the crepe paper into tiny pieces. This is because you will have to fit the paper into the balloon. Now, you have the confetti.

Step 2:
Take the balloon and use the funnel to put some confetti in it. Use the satay stick to push the confetti in. You don't have to put too much confetti. Just put how much you prefer.

Step 3:
After that, blow up the balloon to an average size. Hold the needle in one hand and throw the balloon in the air. You might need to throw it in the air a few times to get the rhythm. Once it's high enough, stretch out your hand and pop the balloon. POP!

There, now you have something to do when you're bored or when there is a party. This is recommended for a birthday party or a celebration.


Stuff you'll need:
Flour                             70g
Sugar                           40g      
Honey                           ½ tbsp
Baking Powder              ¼ tsp
Baking Soda                 1/8 tsp
Egg                              1 no
Water                            ¼ cup
Soya Sauce                  ¼ tsp
Vinegar                         ½ tsp
Oil                                ½ tsp


  1. Whisk eggs with sugar and honey in a mixing bowl.
  2. Add sifted flour, baking powder and baking soda.
  3. Slowly add water, soy sauce, vinegar and oil.  Whisk until smooth.
  4. Drop a small ladle of batter onto fry pan. When bubbles start to appear, turn over the pancakes and cook briefly on the other side until golden brown.
 Eat this as a snack by itself or spread kaya or jam on top!
 Bon Appetit!